
Industrial & Organization Psychology with R

In this webinar, MiR Community member, Felix Wu will share how he and lab mates Evan Mulfinger, and Leo Alexander III use R as Industrial Organizational Psychologists. They will highlight an R Shiny app for adverse impact analysis and a study focusing on the impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Getting to know dplyr w/Daryn Ramsden

In this webinar, RStudio certified instructor, Daryn Ramsden will go over the basics of wrangling data with dplyr! He will also highlight some of the new functions from recently updated dplyr 1.0.

ggplot2 with Shelmith Kariuki

Do you want to learn ggplot2 or increase your confidence in ggplot2? In this webinar, Shelmith will go over the basics of ggplot2 to get you going!