
Written by MiR Community Team

Editorial Calendar

Blog Posts: 2021 Date: November 2, 2021 Title: “Congrats to Kerritt Saintal!” Date: November 29, 2021 Title: “LGBTQ Rainbow Minority in Code” 2022 Date: January 11, 2022 Title: “Website Update and Volunteer recruitment drive. Talk about the updated website. This blogpost will be used for recruiting new volunteers for Social Media, Newsletter, Website, and Fundraising and rotating curator (Danielle).

By MiR Community Team

Climate Survey results

The MiR community aims to support underrepresented R users of the World. In order to understand more about this community, a climate survey was conducted during the first half of 2021.

By MiR Survey Committee

New Website Design + Call for Volunteers

Event Chair MiR is a globally distributed organization. Events are at the core of what we do! The event chair’s primary responsibility will be to plan our calendar of events. In the next year, events (and the responsibilities thereof) may take several different forms: virtual events: aligning our stream of speakers and content in-person/virtual conferences: connecting conference-goers from MiR for the premier annual R conference events (UseR, R Studio Conf) in-person meetups: organizing COVID-compliant local meetups (pandemic-pending)

LGBTQ Rainbow Minority in Code

Analysis conducted by Zane on LGBTQ scientists who code (jobs that have “Developer'', “Data”, “Software”, etc. in Twitter description) show that within the MiR Twitter followers with a pride flag account for 2.52%, and the followers of TheStemVillage Twitter account make up 2.05% (n= 486)